TIME GIFTING cards are designed to be perfect for any form of gifting and for any time of gifting: seasonal, holidays, birthdays, Valentines, condolences, and all! The cards are designed to be simple and direct, to touch the heart of anyone, of any age or origin, and to share our caring and love of each other and this Earth. These cards help make the giving and receiving of time into a more celebratory, tangible, formal manner, allowing people to touch the gift in the form of the card just as we can touch any physical gift.
We have printed copies of TIME GIFTING cards available free of charge at various locations in the St Margarets Bay area. Please contact us and we will let you know where the cards can be found locally.
We also have two versions of the card that you can print from home:
You can also use these files to have copies printed by a local printer. If you are in the St Margarets Bay area, we recommend the UPS Store in Tantallon (call 902-826-7087 or email store184@theupsstore.ca).
To use the TIME GIFTING card, simply fill out the section on the inside to specify what amount of time you wish to give, what you offer to do during that time, and who the gift is offered to.
You can use TIME GIFTING in a myriad of ways! What things can you do with your time for others? What gives you pleasure to do? Often the best gifts will be things giver and receiver can do together. It can be as simple and ordinary or outrageously extraordinary as you wish. It is the time, our personal presence itself, that is at the heart of this.
The TIME GIFTING card is offered freely to reprint for distribution, and is not to be sold or duplicated for commercial purposes. Donations are cheerfully accepted to our not-for-profit efforts to benefit others! Please share this Time Gifting resource with your friends, family and networks!
© 2018 David Wimberly and Transition Bay St Margarets.