Crossroads Educational Vegetable Garden – Fall Harvest

St Margarets Bay Crossroads 5209 Saint Margarets Bay Road, Tantallon, Canada

Join us for the big Fall Harvest of the Crossroads Educational Vegetable Garden from 9:00am to 11:30am on Saturday, September 24th (rain or shine) - two weeks before Thanksgiving!  Over the summer, garden volunteers have already harvested over 160 pounds of Swiss chard, kale, carrot and beets.  We should have a bumper crop at this […]

Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse: Up!Skilling Festival & Expo

St. Luke's United Church Lower Hall 5374 St Margarets Bay Rd., Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

  We live in uncertain times. Who knows when the world as we know it well might take a dramatic shift.  Without electricity how long can you and your family keep securely in terms of food, heat, and everything? What happens if the petrochemicals run out?  Those old traditional skills our grandparents and their grandparents […]

Cultivating the Heart of Compassion: A One-Day Contemplative Workshop

St. Luke's United Church Lower Hall 5374 St Margarets Bay Rd., Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

The need for compassion in our personal, organizational and societal lives is increasingly evident. In the past several years training programs, based in ancient wisdom and modern science, have been developed that helps bring forth the compassion inherent in all human beings. “Imagine the profound transformation in society if our interactions with one another in […]


All About Off-Grid

Tantallon Public Library 3646 Hammonds Plains Road, Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

            Wondering what it's like to live without a connection to the electric grid and with no electric bill?  Then this 2 hour presentation and discussion is for you. Some of the topics that will be covered are: o Introduction to off-grid o Types of off-grid systems o Off-grid for […]

Your Compassionate Coastline: Sea-Level Rise in St. Margaret’s Bay & What We Can Do!

Tantallon Public Library 3646 Hammonds Plains Rd., Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

We all need to know more about what to expect in our area for sea-level rise. It is happening. There is much more to come. Effects are serious. But we can do much positive in response. All of us can help. So join us! Our speakers will lead us in exploring the most critical issues […]

Movie & Discussion Night: TOMORROW (Demain-LeFilm)

Tantallon Public Library 3646 Hammonds Plains Road, Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

Tomorrow Recent news shows us that countries around the world are facing ecological, economical and political challenges. It can be difficult to look at the problems we are facing and not feel that things are overwhelming and out of our control. But Transition Bay St Margarets believes that the power to overcome these challenges is […]

Repair Café

Tantallon Public Library 3646 Hammonds Plains Road, Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

Are you concerned about our throw-away culture? Do you have small items in need of repair kicking around your house? Would you like to learn how to keep more things out of the landfill, or help others to do the same? Then drop by the Transition Bay Repair Café! We will have at least seven […]

Transition Bay Meet-up

Mariposa Natural Market 5229 St. Margaret's Bay Road, Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

Are you interested in discussing ways in which we can work together to create a stronger, happier community through building resilience to global risks? Do you have a passion for local gardening and food production, skills training, alternative energy, local currencies, or other initiatives that strengthen communities? Then you'll want to join us for this […]

The Value Crisis – An Exploration of Today’s Value Systems

Tantallon Public Library 3646 Hammonds Plains Road, Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

Are you concerned about the decisions being made in your community, province, or country?  Perhaps you can't understand why some people are so opposed to the things you believe are important.  At last, a presentation that can open up a valuable discussion on your terms, not preaching someone else's! The greatest challenges facing society today boil […]

Crossroads Educational Vegetable Garden Spring Planting

St Margarets Bay Crossroads 5209 Saint Margarets Bay Road, Tantallon, Canada

Join us for starting the 6th successful year of the Crossroads Educational Vegetable Garden!  We will be doing soil prep in the raised beds, and planting beets, carrots, parsnips, cabbage, onion, chard, kale and rutabaga. Last year, we harvested a total of 561 pounds of vegetables for the St Margarets Bay Food Bank. Learn how […]