Climate Emergency Preparedness

Tantallon Public Library 3646 Hammonds Plains Road, Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

This afternoon workshop will explore different aspects of climate change emergency preparedness. As we move into a new era of weather extremes and sea level rise, homeowners, neighbourhoods and communities will need to be more prepared for a host of new threats. There is an increased importance for emergency preparedness due to flooding, wind damage […]

Crossroads Educational Vegetable Garden – 2019 Spring Planting

St Margarets Bay Crossroads 5209 Saint Margarets Bay Road, Tantallon, Canada

Join us for the eighth successful year of the Crossroads Educational Vegetable Garden.  We will be doing soil prep in the four raised beds, and planting carrots, parsnips, potatoes, cabbage, turnips, onion and kale.   Last year, we harvested a total of 423 pounds of vegetables for the St Margarets Bay Food Bank. Learn how […]

The Clean Bin Project: Film Screening & Discussion

Tantallon Public Library 3646 Hammonds Plains Road, Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

Is it possible to live completely waste free? In this multi-award winning, festival favourite, partners Jen and Grant go head to head in a competition to see who can swear off consumerism and produce the least garbage Their light-hearted competition is set against a darker examination of the problem waste. Even as Grant and Jen […]

8th Birthday Celebration

SMB Community Enterprise Centre 1-5229 St. Margaret's Bay Rd., Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

Transition Bay St Margarets - 8th Birthday Celebration! Free!  Cake and refresments offered!  All warmly welcome! Pizza provided. Bring snacks if you like. As part of the celebrations, join us for playful Visioning        -- for anyone with ideas, like YOU! Fishbowl format visioning with questions like:         "What ways do […]


Discover Solar PV 2019

Tantallon Public Library 3646 Hammonds Plains Road, Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

In partnership with communities throughout the province, Solar Nova Scotia will be offering public information sessions on solar electricity (PV). These presentations are designed to de-mystify the technology, economics, and regulations that apply to homeowners interested in producing their own sustainable energy. Solar PV is one of the lowest emission sources of electricity available! Please visit for […]

Crossroads Educational Vegetable Garden – Fall Harvest

St Margarets Bay Crossroads 5209 Saint Margarets Bay Road, Tantallon, Canada

Join us for the 2019 eight-season’s main harvest of the Crossroads Educational Vegetable Harvest.  We have already harvested of kale and carrots.  During this main harvest, we will pull the carrots, rutabaga and onions – they all look huge!  And, dig potatoes and parsnips  Also, we will harvest more kale. All vegetables go to the […]

Climate Change: Heading for Extinction (and What to Do About It)

Tantallon Public Library 3646 Hammonds Plains Rd., Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

~ Transition Bay St Margarets hosts Extinction Rebellion NS for them to present their exciting, informative, and timely program! ~ This is telling the truth, the genuine truth we all need to understand! This public talk has been given hundreds of times around the world and is the main tool in increasing the numbers that […]


Climate Emergency! Solutions for Survival

Halifax Central Library 5440 Spring Garden Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

The best from the land of Greta Thunberg. Act now! Grow Local Resilience! The climate emergency is far worse, & growing faster, than expected – with shockingly rapid deterioration of food, weather, and ecological systems upon which we depend. Green, resilient technologies are better for economy, community, children’s future, environment, and democratic government. Learn the power of localizing and working together as a community to build self-sufficiency.  It’s not […]


How Shall We Talk Together About the Climate Crisis? An Intergenerational Conversation

St. Margaret of Scotland Anglican Church 3751 Robie St., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Youth Experiences and Intergenerational Exploration of our Responses to the Climate Crisis ~  Youth around the world are calling for immediate, emergency climate action, and growing a vibrant movement in northern Europe and across the world. Greta Thunberg and the “Green Students” in Sweden and Denmark have helped to spark a fire of youth leadership […]

By donation

Inner Transition: Truth, Courage, & Unfolding in a Time of Environmental Crisis

Ummah Mosque Community Centre 2510 St. Matthias St., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

As we face the severity of the climate crisis, and see devastation of lives, communities, and the environment, powerful feelings arise within us. We want to push away the warning signs and continue to live our lives as if nothing is wrong. We feel fear, worry, anxiety, and many other emotions. We feel powerless and […]

By donation