Community Economic Resilience in Uncertain Times

Tantallon Public Library 3646 Hammonds Plains Rd., Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

We live in times of globalized trade, with just-in-time deliveries of essential goods from vast parts of the world.  In these days of increasing tariffs and trade disputes, how can local communities build economic resilience and local sovereignty for their basic needs? Join Robert Cervelli and other members of Transition Bay for thought--provoking discussions on […]

Planting for Preservation

Tantallon Public Library 3646 Hammonds Plains Rd., Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

Now is the time to plan your garden with an eye toward food preservation! Come learn about food preservation methods, the easiest foods to grow and preserve, and how to plan your garden with preservation in mind.  Join us for a great conversation led by Transition Member Dawn Smith. This two-hour workshop will be held […]

Permaculture as a Gateway to Food Sovereignty

Tantallon Public Library 3646 Hammonds Plains Road, Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

Food is a topic on many people's mind. Whether your interest is price, quality, availability, or all three, this workshop will discuss how the permaculture design system can be employed at your home as a gateway to increasing food sovereignty.  Join Shayne White on May 4th for this valuable Sunday afternoon workshop at the Tantallon […]

Harvesting and Preparing Wild Staple Foods

Tantallon Public Library 3646 Hammonds Plains Road, Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, Canada

For millennia humans have sought out wild staples: those foods that contain essential calories and protein. Fortunately these foods are all around us in Turtle Island. Learn about how to prepare acorns to make bread as well as starchy tubers: Apios americana (ground nut), Sunchokes and Cattail corms. Join us for this interesting and highly […]